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About me


Welcome to the Poppy Homecare website.  Let us tell you a little bit about ourselves and what we do.


My name is Euan and I have worked with adults with learning disabilities and/ or autism for many years in both a supporting role and a staff supervisory capacity. 

In the past I have worked in a residential setting and a day centre and although both these environments and organisations offered a high standard of care, it always seemed to me that the service presented to the clients was not always conducive to their needs, nor did it offer people the opportunity to reach their full potential and just as importantly it did not seem enjoyable for staff or client. 


People who attended day service had little or no interaction with neighbours or the chance to access amenities local to their homes.


The business


Poppy Homecare is a culmination of all the good areas and practices of care work I have been part of over the years. I believe we offer an excellent and enjoyable experience which has a holistic and individual approach to each care package whilst always remembering quality care is a continuous journey, which is forever evolving.


As a parent myself, I understand that we all want to see our children move on from the family home at some point and lead lives independent of their parents.   We all want to see our children grow to become respected and valued members of their community.  At Poppy Homecare we are committed to empowering people to lead independent lives and become visible and active members of their local area.


The best advice I was ever given was very early in my career, a colleague told me the best attitude to care working is to simply see yourself and the client as two friends helping each other along and having a laugh on the way, I have always followed this and it underpins all we do at Poppy Homecare.


You have to do what you enjoy doing as well, this is fundamental to us all.  Whether that’s going to the cinema, watching the football or popping out for a coffee, there has to be a strong element of relaxation time built into everyone’s life and we make sure each care package caters for this need. 


It is our intention to offer clients the best possible service, where reliability, consistency, quality and communication are the key elements of our service.


Where did the name come from


After much searching my wife and I arrived at the name “Poppy” for two reasons.  The first reason is because we simply liked the name and believe it gives the company a soft, warm and welcoming feel.  Something that we wanted for the business rather than being more clinical as we want people to feel more of the care side of what we do.


The second reason is a little less apparent; our daughter was 5 when her little brother was born and she christened him “Poppy”, I hasten to add this is not what we called him but it’s still a family name he answers to years later!


Our staff


Staff are the core of our business; good staffing is paramount to the service we provide.  Poppy Homecare acknowledges that without the proper staff in place we cannot deliver the high quality of care our clients expect and deserve.


This is why we have an effective and robust selection process with an ethos on equal opportunities for all our staff.  Management at Poppy Homecare will strive to be flexible with our staff and offer incentives, continuous training and have an open door policy.  Clients can be sure they are trained, experienced and consistent staff who meet their requirements.


Our location


Poppy Homecare is based in East Lothian and can service the Edinburgh and Lothians area, although if you stay out with these regions please don’t be put off giving us a call, we will always try to help, even if it’s putting you in touch with another agency.


We are a small family run business, so can provide a tailored service to meet your needs and requirements.


Thanks for taking the time to read about Poppy Homecare and we would love to hear feedback you have about any aspect of our business.


Kind regards




tailored care services for autism and learning disabilities

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