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PVG scheme membership


The Protecting Vulnerable Groups (PVG) membership scheme is managed and delivered by Disclosure Scotland. It helps makes sure people whose behaviour makes them unsuitable to work with children and/or protected adults, can't do 'regulated work' with these vulnerable groups.


Poppy Homecare Ltd is a registered umbrella body and can manage your application process for you (subject to an admin fee).


If you're going to be doing 'regulated work' your employer may ask you to join the PVG scheme. To join, you'll need to fill out a paper application form.


(Regulated work is when you work with children and/or protected adults, for example a school teacher, girl guide leader or nurse. There are other types of disclosure for non-regulated work.)


Application process


If your organisation doesn’t handle their PVG records internally, they may ask you to send it straight to another organisation to verify. These organisations are called umbrella bodies and Poppy Homecare is one of the registered companies who can can manage your application process for you (subject to an admin fee).


​We manage application requests from either individuals or organisations.


​Paying for a PVG


It costs £59 to join the PVG scheme.


Existing PVG scheme members


If you're already a member of the PVG scheme, you should update your record with Disclosure Scotland when you start a new job or voluntary role which involves regulated work.


Your new employer may ask you to complete an Existing PVG Scheme Member form. This will allow them to get an up-to-date certificate as well as be added to your PVG membership account.


This update - known as a Short Scheme Record - costs £18.


To qualify for a Short Scheme Record, your current PVG Scheme membership has to relate to the same group - children or protected adults - as your new employment. If not, the update will cost £59.


Using our Services


If you would like to apply for a PVG using Poppy Homecare Ltd, please contact us by email, phone or by the 'contact us' page on our website.  We will be happy to provide you with advice on how to apply, types of disclosure needed and costs.


You'll also need to show some ID to confirm your identity and address to your employer or the organisation managing their PVG records. We can advise you what form of ID will be accepted.



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