Are you interested in a career in care? Support Work staff required
We want to provide a first class service for our clients and are looking for Support Workers to join our team. Full and part-time...
Copy of Care Inspectorate reports available
Poppy Homecare was recently visited by the Care Inspecorate for their annual inspection and we are pleased to say that the feedback we...
Poppy Homecare goes to Abba Mania
At the start of October, Euan accompanied one his clients on a trip to Manchester to see Abba Mania. The client loves music and this was...
Short breaks with Poppy Homecare
Staff at Poppy Homecare have been involved in developing short breaks for clients and more recently we have had a client on a weeks break...
Looking for a holiday?
Looking for a holiday? We are pleased to say that we have now started offering customised holiday packages including. We can cater for...
Good News:
Good News: Poppy have been busy out and about and we are happy to say we now also provide support for adults with Physical disabilities...